
Trade unions

There are a number of trade unions who support staff working in Hertfordshire schools. Here are some brief details, but please click on the links to find out more:


The Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) is the leading professional association and trade union for school and college leaders.

They support and represent over 19,000 school and college leaders of primary, secondary and post-16 education from across the UK, with a wide range of roles including: 

  • Executive Headteachers
  • CEOs of Multi-Academy Trusts
  • Principals
  • Headteachers
  • Heads of School
  • Deputy Heads and Vice Principals
  • Assistant Heads/ Assistant Principals
  • School Business Mangers/ Business Leaders
  • Finance Directors and CFOs
  • Colleagues with strategic whole school/ college or cross trust responsibilities

Membership is also open to individuals working at a senior level employed by other educational organisations, such as those working in trust central offices and other bodies which work with schools and colleges. 

To find out more visit:

National Association of Headteachers and Leaders NAHT

Established in 1897, and with over a hundred years’ service to leaders in education, the NAHT now represents in excess of 28,500 school leaders in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Members hold leadership positions in early years; primary; special and secondary schools; independent schools; sixth form and FE colleges; outdoor education centres; pupil referral units; social services establishments and other educational settings.

As a union and professional association they seek to provide:

  • The most effective one-to-one support of any union representing all school leaders, with a dedicated team of solicitors and seventeen full-time Regional Officers;
  • Tough national negotiators on pay, conditions and pensions in the interests of the leadership group;
  • A very effective voice in educational policy making across all phases;
  • The support and stimulus of colleagues through a broad range of regional activities, national conferences and local branch networks;
  • An extensive range of training and development programmes including induction for performance management and new school leaders;
  • Outstanding publications, guidance documents and website.

NAHT values diversity in both its membership and in the wider education community.It is committed to promoting equality and diversity in the wider schools’ workforce. As such, they will take all steps possible to promote and encourage the participation of all members in the democratic process and will take active steps to address areas of under-representation.

To find out more about them and to enquire about membership, see:


With three hundred thousand members across all sectors from early years to further education, the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) is the largest teachers' union in the UK.

The union provides an array of services, including high-quality support, advice and representation for members; legal representation; national and regional training programmes; and professional seminars and conferences.

NASUWT is also politically independent. It makes no donations either directly or indirectly. The union's aim is to serve the best interests of teachers, no matter which party forms the government at national or local level.

To seek advice on any employment-related matters, members in England should call 03330 145550 or email

For more information see:

The National Education Union

On the 1st September 2017 the National Union of teachers (NUT) amalgamated with the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) to become the National Education Union. With 450,000 teachers and education professionals, the National Education Union is the largest union in Europe and represents the vast majority of teachers and trainee teachers working across England and Wales.

Bringing together the strength, expertise and history of two teachers' unions means members of the National Education Union have an unrivalled voice in their workplace and with policy makers, unbeatable opportunities for professional development, and individual support if you need it.

They are committed to making education a great place to work, a great place to teach and a great place to learn. Members get access to online resources as well as a local representative. Benefits include:

  • An education campaigning organisation fighting for issues that matter to teachers, parents and children
  • The only teachers’ union campaigning consistently for one union for all teachers
  • A democratic union that encourages all members to get involved in determining union policy
  • Provider of a comprehensive CPD programme, with preferential rates for members. See course details at:

Membership is free during training and costs £1 for teachers in the first year after qualifying. Find out more at:


UNISON is the UK’s largest union, serving more than 1.3 million members. We represent full-time and part-time staff who provide public services, although they may be employed in both the public and private sectors. Members work in local authorities; the NHS; police and justice; universities, colleges and schools; the electricity and gas industries; the water industry, the Environment Agency, transport and the community and voluntary sector.

UNISON is the largest union in education in the UK. Our members work in:

  • schools,
  • children’s services,
  • colleges and universities

And include:

  • librarians,
  • registrars,
  • people working in personnel, IT and finance departments,
  • teaching assistants,
  • technicians,
  • early years (nursery) staff,
  • policy advisers,
  • administrators,
  • secretaries,
  • cleaners,
  • caretakers,
  • school meals workers,
  • craft workers,
  • porters.

Members receive essential cover and support, have access to exclusive benefits and can take advantage of many training opportunities.

To find out more visit: UNISON - the public service union