Tudor Primary School "'Enabling Dreams, Inspiring Minds, Building Futures'"

Primary Dacorum Borough



Tudor Primary School - Enabling Dreams, Inspiring Minds, Building Futures

Tudor Primary School- a fantastic place to work...

'Pupils’ behaviour and attitudes to learning are excellent.' Ofsted, December 2022

For more information about Tudor Primary, do visit our website which gives you a big insight into the fun, energy, excitement and enjoyment that permeates our school. As shared within our school mission statement, Together we create a happy and caring community where all our children love to learn and want to achieve.

As evidenced by a range of factors, Tudor is enjoying high levels of success in acdememic and social achievement. The thematic curriculum that we have designed inspires and engages children and, as a forward thinking school, we continue to seek ways to grow, refine and build on our success.

'Pupils and adults have strong relationships, rooted in mutual respect.' (Ofsted, December 2022)

As the attached Ofsted quotes share,  our 2 form entry school is a very special place and we are very excited at how Tudor is continuing to evolve so that we can meet the needs of our school community. As Ofsted (December 2023) stated, Tudor is:

‘Fantastically warm and welcoming’. Leaders foster positive relationships with parents and staff. Staff feel valued. They say leaders are conscious of their workload and support their well-being.'

At Tudor we have a very clear vision of what we want the school to be and we truly believe that the children are able to enjoy a wonderful experience of school each day. Innovation in teaching as well as changes to the school site have been actioned so we can ensure that we all fulfil our potential. 

'A culture of aspiration in the school. Adults set high expectations and pupils try hard to meet them. A Year 6 pupil said, ‘You always want to be at your highest level.’ Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school. At breaktimes, they play happily together, supervised by adults who lead or join in with games.' (Ofsted, December 2022)

We offer an exciting and stimulating environment where children are encouraged to become independent. We believe that all children have the right to a broad and balanced curriculum, which meets their individual needs and 'prepares them well for life in modern Britain.' We have a committed staff team and we welcome children from all backgrounds and capabilities, involving them fully in the life of the school.

'Staff feel valued, are well supported and are proud to work at the school.'  

Tudor Primary School has made a significant investment in regard to staff wellbeing. Every member of the teaching team benefits from regular out of school 'Wellbeing' time when they are able to engage in activties of their own interest. We are very proud of this commitment and it highlights the value we place on the team.

We aim to work in partnership with our parents to ensure that each child in our care can achieve their full potential in all areas of their development.

We will do all that we can to ensure that children are happy and enabled to make good progress at Tudor Primary School. It truly is an inclusive school that is at the centre of the local community.

'Relationships are strong in all classes and this lends confidence to pupils' learning. Teachers manage pupil' behaviour well so that learning proceeds without interruption.'  

Tudor School is committed to the protection and safety of its pupils. Enhanced DBS checks are carried out on all staff.
