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Meet Website, Communications & PR Assistant, Caroline

Meet Website, Communications & PR Assistant, Caroline

Please can you describe your journey into working in education (How did you qualify, 
what have been the key steps along they way)?

I worked in marketing for ten years then took time off when my children were small. I was looking for a term time job and saw a new role being advertised for a website and learning platform administrator. I've been in the job for 17 years now!

What are the key things you love most about your job? 

I have been able to develop the role over the years into something that encompasses all aspects of communication at the school, so it is quite similar to what I used to do. No two days are the same and I work in a lovely team.

What advice would you give to someone who is looking to work in a similar role?

Apply for a role that looks interesting, even if it is not exactly what you were looking for - once you work in a school, there are always new opportunties being created and chances to use your existing skills to develop a role further.